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out of one’s hands
已不由某人掌管,不再由某人负责  detail>>
off one’s hands out of one’s hands
不再由某人负责 已不由某人掌管  detail>>
be in one’s hands
掌握在某人手中  detail>>
bite the hands that feed one
狗咬吕洞宾,不知好人心  detail>>
dry one’s hands with tissue
用纸巾擦干双手  detail>>
have something on one’s hands
有待处理  detail>>
lay one’s hands on
拿到,得到  detail>>
live by one’s hands
靠双手劳动过活  detail>>
off one’s hands
已不由某人掌管,不再由某人负责  detail>>
shake hands with each one
挨个儿握手  detail>>
to wash one’s hands off
洗手不干  detail>>
hands not played out
不需打到底的牌  detail>>
hold out the hands
伸出双手  detail>>
reaching out my hands
伸出双手  detail>>
threw out my hands
伸出双手  detail>>
one out
失去第一次发球权  detail>>
one by one they got out
他们一个一个地走了出去  detail>>
walk out of the classroom one by one
一个接一个走出教室  detail>>